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Gesucht wurde Brad Brace, Medienart , Sortierung DatensatzNr., aufsteigend.
Alle Suchbegriffe sind in allen Ergebnissen enthalten: 3 Treffer
 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • ISBN 0-9690745-0-6
Ort Land
  • 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 0969074506
    ohne Text, nur mit der ISBN-Nummer auf dem Cover
  • This book is part of the series of self-published ISBN Bookworks. It is a gradual and extensive accumulation and sequencing of homogeneous photographic imagery. These books consist entirely of halftone photographs (no text), printed full-pagebleed on newsprint
Erworben bei Brad Brace


  • ISBN 0-9690745-1-4
Ort Land
  • 19x26,5x1,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0969074514
    Eingelegtes Kärtchen
  • Epigraph: Eyes half-closed. Nothing as strong as solace. Do the themes still connect? A Venus day is longer than a Venus year, the National Geographic Society says. A selection was assembled from more than 2000 photographs taken over an eight month period the year before last. Erect walking became necessary when female pre-hominids lost their estrus cycle. The street runs below the window which is above the cinema. Everything in place. Nothing is ever forgotten, only displaced. The planet spins on its axis once every 243 Earth days and orbits the Sun every 224.7 Earth days. Pyramids have always been. What you once thought still holds. The man who invented the first lighthouse perished in his own primitive model. "It was a totally whimsical point. It's inarguable of course. The evidence is all around. The facts are there."
    Text von der Webseite
Stichwort / Schlagwort

  • ISBN 0-9690745-2-2
Ort Land
  • ISBN/ISSN 0969074522
  • Addenda: Just between you and me. There was no other. Who does our past belong to tonight? We understand at last. And while we slept, we vanished. The walls of the world fell in on us. We claimed always to abide by terms. Shattered mirrors and sliding panels. Always. Except when we choose not to. One must keep alert to all possibilities. The old Indian pearl diver clambered onto the dock, grinning and shaking the water from our body. At night we could hear our mind ticking like some cheap alarm clock. Radio broadcasts played on tribal feelings. Our voice trailed off. Truth was delay. A heavy splash followed many ripples. Food, batteries and water-purifying chemicals arrived over the week-end.
    Text von der Webseite
Stichwort / Schlagwort

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